Can I File For Divorce in Texas?

Can I File For Divorce in Texas?

A common belief is that you must file for divorce in the state where you were married. However, that is not true. Our lives are ever changing and with the development of transportation and travel, moving is easier and has become more common. Every state has their own requirements for filing for divorce.

Texas: 20 Sources Used for Child Support Amount

Texas: 20 Sources Used for Child Support Amount

To calculate child support amounts, courts look at the net resources of the party ordered to pay. What do courts consider as income, and what sources figure into net resources? Here are 20 sources of income courts will use to calculate the child support amount.

Texas: 5 Ways A Man Is The Presumed Father Of A Child

Texas: 5 Ways A Man Is The Presumed Father Of A Child

In family law cases that involve children, the very first thing that must be established is whether or not a parent-child relationship exists. Usually, the answer as to who the child’s mother is is not an issue. Texas Family Code Section 160.204 covers presumption of paternity.

Texas: 5 Factors Not Used to Calculate Child Support

Texas: 5 Factors Not Used to Calculate Child Support

To calculate child support amounts, courts look at the net resources of the party ordered to pay. Net resources is determined by adding all of the obligor’s (the person ordered to pay) sources of income and deducting certain items like taxes, union dues, and health insurance for the child or children.

texas child support

Texas: How to Calculate Child Support

In a final order affecting a child or children, the court can order three different types of child support. The court can order current child support, which is an amount a party is ordered to pay in the future once the case is completed. The court can also order medical child support, which includes dental insurance.

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8 Sections in a Divorce Decree

A divorce decree is a final court order that officially ends the marriage. Regardless of whether your divorce was resolved through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or a trial, a divorce decree is necessary to sum up the rights and duties of the parties in connection with the divorce.

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Understanding Texas Summer Standard Possession Order

In divorces involving children, a visitation schedule for each parent’s time with their children is included in the final decree of divorce. The following is a breakdown of the summer possession schedule for couples that reside less than 100 miles apart.

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Who Decides Your Case – Judge or Jury?

A jury is a randomized group of United States citizens chosen to decide the outcome of cases. is one of the few states that permits a jury consisting of 12 members and 2 alternates to make decisions in family law cases. The following are some binding and advisory issues a jury can hear.


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